You are a burning light for Jesus!
You are a flaming torch for Jesus.
You are a burning flame for Jesus.
Ready! SET! Go!
View Our Mission

Who We Are

AwakeningFire is a resource hub that is focused on digging and maintaining a rich well of revival fire; that will help to reignite and stirrup the hearts and the minds of the people; to help develop a deeper and more intimate connection to Christ; to build and advance the Kingdom of God; to train, equip and send out unto community transformation and reformation.


To your destiny and purpose
Calling forth a generation to come out from that place of darkness, isolation, rejection, fear, intimidation, etc. into a place of identity and discovery of newness of life..


to your calling and assignment
Showing a generation their value, their worth, how much God loves them while helping them to discover their gifts and reason for existence.


To the level that God has called you
Helping a generation to rediscover and renew their mind with truth, live on purpose, develop meaningful relationships and exercise their gifts.


Go Go Go and possess the land
Encouraging a generation to answer the call of God upon their lives and walk alongside them while they walk into their purpose and their destiny while encouraging others to do the same.

Impart to make an Impact

AwakeningFire exist to become a conduit of the love and the fire of God that promotes revival and awakening in our city. We are a  ministry that seeks to revive and stir up hearts and bring healing and hope by demonstrating the love of God in such a way, that people will exchange their ordinary lives and begin to chase after and pursue the heart of God like never before through the transforming power of the Holy Spirit with Jesus Christ being at the very center of all that we do or say.

Our Vision:

Mobilize the Body of Christ by the power of the Holy Spirit, build the Kingdom of God through prayer, intercession, preaching, teaching and prophesying and spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ like a wildfire.

Our Mission:

To revive the hearts of the people; rekindle their passion for God and for the works of God; to be a tangible expression of the love and of the character of Christ.


"A fire shall always be burning on the altar; it shall never go out."
Leviticus 6:13

If the fire in you is not frequently being stirred up, rekindled and revived... you can easily get burnt out, frustrated, tired, weary, faint-hearted, discouraged, lost of focus, lost of passion, lost of vision, lost of zeal, stagnated or even a strong desire to give up! The fire in you needs to be stirred up, reignited and kept ablazed like a wildfire!
Let's GO!


Donnell Vigers


Have a blazing hunger to see spiritual revival and awakening happen not only in our city but also in our nation and the nations of the world.

Stephenia Vigers


Have a blazing hunger to see spiritual revival and awakening happen not only in our city but also in our nation and the nations of the world.




Our Gallery

Pictures from some of our Night of Fire meetings.
More to come

Famous Revival Quotes

Our Events

22 JUL

Night of Fire

We are so excited about what God is doing in our region. Please Join us on 07.22.22 for "Night of Fire"@ 7pm. Come and get REFRESHED, REFUELED, REFILLED and REFOCUSED.
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26 AUG

Night of Fire

We are so excited about what God is doing in our region. Please Join us on 08.26.22 for "Night of Fire"@ 7pm. Come and get REFRESHED, REFUELED, REFILLED and REFOCUSED.
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23 SEP

Night of Fire

We are so excited about what God is doing in our region. Please Join us on 09.23.22 for "Night of Fire"@ 7pm. Come and get REFRESHED, REFUELED, REFILLED and REFOCUSED..
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P.O. Box 1560, Sugar Land, TX 77487 (713) 294 9894
Awakening Fire Ministries
P.O. Box 1560
Sugar Land, TX 77487

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